NCLifeSci Membership Dues

Membership dues structure

Life sciences members of the NC Life Sciences Organization operate in areas such as pharmaceuticals, gene therapies, CROs, CDMOs, medical devices and agricultural technology. They pay an annual membership fee according to the number of employees the companies have in North Carolina. 

Affliate members are those who support life sciences companies through goods and services. They pay a flat fee of $2,000 a year. Affiliate members include suppliers, law firms, staffing firms, real estate developers, contractors and builders and more.

Out-of-state members are life sciences companies with no North Carolina operations who may join NCLifeSci  for a flat fee of $2,000 a year.

Nonprofit organizations may join NCLifeSci for an annual fee of $1,000.

BMF members are biotech manufacturers who produce life sciences products and treatments and affiliated companies who directly support manufacturing operations. These companies pay a fee of $10,000 annually to be a part of our Biotech Manufacturers Forum. Manufacturers who are setting up operations and have not yet begun production can join as BMF startup members at an annual rate of $4,800. Companies that support life sciences manufacturers can also join the BMF as BMF affiliates at $4,800 per year. BMF members must also be NCLifeSci members, and BMF dues are in addition to regular membership dues.

Life sciences member dues

Number of Employees Annual Dues
1-3 $300
4-15 $950
16-50  $2,000
51-200 $3,500
201-500 $7,000
501-1,000 $8,000
1,001+ $10,000